
One Less recommends a number of helpful resources for adoptive and foster families. We invite you to explore these books, videos and more.



The Connected Child

co-authored by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross, has helped countless adoptive and foster parents better connect with their children as they seek to love and care for them in a way that honors God.


The Connected Parent

Real-Life Strategies for Building Trust and Attachment, by renowned child-development expert Dr. Karyn Purvis, gives you practical advice and powerful tools you can use to encourage secure attachment in your family. Coauthor Lisa Qualls demonstrates how you can successfully implement these strategies in your home, just as she did in hers.

Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors

Parenting and neuroscience expert Robyn Gobbel is here to reveal how all behavior, no matter how baffling, can be explained and remedied. You just need to look past the behavior and understand what's going on inside.


The Whole Brain Child

by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson, provides 12 strategies to promote healthy brain development and help integrate our children’s right brain (emotional) and left brain (logic). It teaches parents how to connect with their children when emotions are high and then practice with their children a different, healthier way to process those difficult feelings.

More Books

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell

Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And Eight Other Myths That Trap Us In Worry and Guilt by Leslie Leyland Fields

No Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Dr. Daniel Siegel

The Wounded Heart and Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation by Dan Allendar

Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel

I Love You Rituals: Fun Activities for Parents and Children by Becky A. Bailey

Attachments: Why You Love, Feel, and Act the Way You Do by Dr. Tim Clinton and Dr. Gary Sibcy

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: A Growth Mindset Book for Kids to Stretch and Shape Their Brains by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D.

Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices That Can Transform Your Life and Relationships authored by Dr. Curt Thompson.

Before you were Mine: Discovering your Adopted Child’s Life Story by Susan TeBos

Other Helpful Resources

Trauma Informed Sensory Resources: Sensory activities and strategies for children affected by trauma

Empowered to Connect: Resources and trainings especially helpful for caregivers of children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)Karyn Purvis at the Institute of Child Development at TCU has developed a program and provided support to adoptive and foster families. Search for a licensed practitioner in your area below.


Adoption Learning Partners: Offers web-based educational adoption resources for professionals, parents, adopted individuals, and the families that love them.

Financial Resources

The average adoption ranges between $30,000 to $60,000. Adoption grants and loans are available to help reduce the financial strain. Click below for information.